driving lesson 2.0
Salam and hi 🐻 After almost 8 years of my attempt to get a driving license, this is me taking driving...

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

driving lesson 2.0

Salam and hi 🐻After almost 8 years of my attempt to get a driving license, this is me taking driving lesson for the second time at the age of 27. Hence, I named this post as driving lesson 2.0 🚗 just hoping this time around, I'll pass!&nb...

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

home-based therapist @hanyaathome

 Salam hi everyone!After being a paediatric occupational therapist for over a year, and countless hours of OT and EIP sessions, I'm finally stepping out of my comfort zone. I started a new business as, Hanya at Home Therapy. I am now a home-based...

Thursday, 2 January 2025

mini aida is here!

 Salam and hello☺A little life update ‒ I am now a mother to our smol Anya! Alhamdulillah for these amazing 9 months journey hehe sebenarnya still macam tak percaya dah jadi mak-mak ni 😂 iyelah rasa macam baru je kenal Fila duk update dekat blog...

Saturday, 3 February 2024

another phase of life

Salam and hello! ☺I just realized that I didn't post anything since September last year 👀 a lot of things have changed; workplace, where I stay, routines, my weight and status. Let's start with my career first, okay? 1) CareerI've resigned from...

Friday, 8 September 2023

salam terakhir uitm

 Salam and hello gais! 🌿Syukur Alhamdulillah berkat hari jumaat, pada hari 2nd monthsary aku & Fila, aku dapat results penutup semester sekaligus penutup degree yang baik dan mencukupi buat aku ☺️ tak mintak banyak, cukup sekadar habis degree...

Friday, 8 September 2023

done degree

 Salam everyone 🥰How are you guys doing? Good? Glad to know that hehe 😚 kalau korang perasan dari awal aku start degree sampai lah ke halfway thru, aku selalu mengeluh dan cakap this course isn’t for me kan? Know2 dah habis degree u 🌹 Sebenarnya...

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

suprise bachelorette party

 Hello everyone 🥰 ~~It has been almost 2 month since we were married 😍 alhamdulillah life has been so good these days & I also received a good news of being accepted as occupational therapist at the company that I applied 🥰 orang kata rezeki...

Monday, 24 July 2023

080723 - we're married!

 Salam hi everyone 🥰Tadaaa~~Yes, I’m wifey now hehehe and I want to officially introduce u guys to the man that has been stealing my heart since 2019, the one that I mentioned and referred as Fila 💞Alhamdulillah, I’m happily married for 2 weeks...

Monday, 14 November 2022

one step closer – 121122

Halu lurve 🤍✨ lama tak update sini but just want to share something good and nak simpan sini as memory heheAs what written in the title, i'm happy to announce that we are one step closer 💓 yes, Fila and I! Teheee hoping those yang follow since day...