another phase of life

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Salam and hello! ☺

I just realized that I didn't post anything since September last year 👀 a lot of things have changed; workplace, where I stay, routines, my weight and status. Let's start with my career first, okay? 

1) Career

I've resigned from my previous company, LG that is located in Putra Height and start a new job in Bandar Baru Bangi. My current company is way near my parents' house hahaha masih lagi jadi budak yang selalu homesick ye 😹 the only good thing about my new workplace is I work together with my classmate, Ainizz. It is so much fun to a friend working together hehe. 

2) Stay

Due to the far distance, we rent an apartment in Bandar Saujana Putra. I'd actually dislike staying in high-rise place. I'll definitely prefer landed house. Tapi alhamdulillah 4 bulan duduk berdua sangat seronok, we have our own privacy. Banyak lah yang husband masakkan untuk kita hehe banyak household work yang kitorang buat together. Best sangattt!!

Tapi sekarang, we moved back to my parents' house sebab husband and I both dapat kerja area sini. 

3) Weight

Heavier than before obv hahaha 😂
