Friday 18 March 2022

only you

I knew I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with this one guy when everything I do, everything I saw reminds me of him. 

It's him.

Only him, Arif Farhan.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

to our-happily-ever-after

 I am so happy. I can't believe that my prayers has been answered. Walaupun hanya seciput tapi it means so much to me 🥺🤍 

Last two days, 6 March 2022, he vidcall-ed me on Sunday. Well, that has been our Sunday routine since the last 3 years. BUT!!!! The content was different hehe. He told me his parents called him out at the living room wanted to discuss about his plan to our-happily-ever-after. Guess what??? They agreed 😻🥺✨✨✨ we took our kursus kahwin already in December so yes, I need to see some progression obviously 😹

We planned to get engaged in tettttt and get married in tettttt (censored lol). Not gonna exposed yet because.....I also don't know the date hahahahaha he has been wanted to make it a suprise since the day we took our kursus kahwin tho. Dia kata nanti tahu2 dia datang 😹 iyolah apa2 pun tak kisah asalkan kahwin ye dok hehehe. 

If anyone reading this, please please please pray for us 🤍🥺 doakan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan, dikuatkan hubungan, dijauhkan dari segala ujian berat yang menakutkan (because honestly I'm scared to death when I heard about ujian tunang) jadi aida mintak doakan tau!!! 🤍🥺 Doakan aida dan Fila oki hehehw ✨✨✨