ramadhan is back

Monday, 21 May 2018


Haus ke tu?

Ramadan kareem, dear Muslims 💛 & happy fasting happy ibadah!

It's my second year spending Ramadan in bertam with my friends and hurm it's not that bad tho everything's good so far, Alhamdulillah.

Bersyukur masih diberi peluang untuk bertemu Ramadan this year & masih tak terlambat untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik dan perbanyakkan ibadah, bukan? because y'know ustaz said after tonight's taraweeh that what if this Ramadan is our last (?) and we couldn't maximize our ibadah during this holy month. Many people enter heaven because of their deeds during Ramadan. And can I become one of them?

Step by step. Towards a better servant of Allah.

Let's do this! #nomembawang
