you're the best birthday present of all ❤️

Sunday, 20 September 2020

I didn't update anything about my current life for a year (omg!) paling lama hiatus setakat ni tsktsk 🤍

For my first post, aida nak share sebab nak simpan hadiah and kenangan indah ni dekat sini. I don't know what the future may holds, but I wish you're included as well. 

Masa birthday bulan 4 haritu, disebabkan pkp aku tak boleh nak jumpa Fila. Sedih lah sebab kalau boleh nak jumpa huhu. Tapi walaupun tak dapat nak celebrate sekali hehe dapat vidcall pun dah 1001 kebahagiaan bagi aku. Best sebab he's my present! 🎁 Sebab dia pakai reben dekat kepala hehehehehe comellll aida takleh stop gelak sebab kiut sangat!!!!!!!! 

Selepas pkp tukar to pkpp terus kitorang jumpa sebab dia nak ambik barang dekat upnm dan aku pun kena jugak ambik tapi after Fila balik lah sebab tarikh aku lambat lagi. Masa jumpa tu rasa happy gilaaaaaa sebab yelah lama tau tak jumpa!! 🥺 seronok sebab dapat tengok Fila depan mata hihi 😍 banyak pergi makan sama2 lepastu jalan lepastu masak2 banyak lah hehehehe tapi tu lah next time nak jalan banyak lagi oki!! Long story short masa ambik barang tu Fila bagi hadiah and it is expensive! Hmmm kalau awak bagi aida mahal macam mana aida nak balas balik 🥺😭 he gave me a new phone sebab dia tengok memory phone lama selalu penuh and slow huhu 💞🥺 the camera is so nice! Thanks to him aida dapat ambik gambar cantikkkkkk for my smol business 🤍 berkat hadiah awak tu jugak dapat aida simpan untuk kita nanti teheee

Thank you so much sayang! ❤️🥺 For your endless and never ending love, your overwhelming support, your huge trust and for your patience ✨🌈 i am a very happy when you around!! I feel loved and that's more than enough! 

Hope next time, we could celebrate our birthday together ! ✨🥰 Thank you so much my handsome boy 😘


  1. Aaaaa senyum je baca post ni haha semoga aida dgn fila kekal sampai kahwin and step2 seterusnya!! ��
