Tuesday, 24 April 2018
duedate assignment
i AM just started & currently freaking out because due date for my 600 to 1000 words assignment is coming near me #crying
introduction for aseptic almost done pheww & am thinking of rewarding myself something tonight for finally putting an effort to start this forum assignment 👻 i have a pharmacy practice lab tomorrow morning but prescription already complete last week so, i am free ~
gosh, i forgot to edit entrepreneurship subject's interview video #facepalm
hurm gais if you are reading this & know any instashop or website that sell garments suitable for dinner with theme; red carpet, please let me know by leaving comment below okay 💛 i am kinda desperate rn, our pre-graduation dinner is on 12th may & i have nothing to wear 😕
introduction for aseptic almost done pheww & am thinking of rewarding myself something tonight for finally putting an effort to start this forum assignment 👻 i have a pharmacy practice lab tomorrow morning but prescription already complete last week so, i am free ~
gosh, i forgot to edit entrepreneurship subject's interview video #facepalm
hurm gais if you are reading this & know any instashop or website that sell garments suitable for dinner with theme; red carpet, please let me know by leaving comment below okay 💛 i am kinda desperate rn, our pre-graduation dinner is on 12th may & i have nothing to wear 😕
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Earthing & Grounding: Bukit Pelarit, Perlis
Earthing & Grounding: A Nature's Prescription For Stress Free Mind at Bukit Pelarit checked ✅
I can't feel my whole body anymore. All my limbs are sore & for a second, I wish I could take them off from me.
After one long semester of hiking rest, I'm finally back yezza 💛 I was nervous and scared I wasn't fit enough to hike as I didn't do much exercise & didn't jog for a year kut maigod teruks HAHAHAHA pemalas 😂 but I climbed up and down kolej stairs for 20 minutes (on Thursday night) & I swear I was literally dying and kept thinking if I should really go to Bukit Pelarit, Perlis. Tapi sekali tu jelah sebab kaki aku sumpah sakit gila jadi a day before hiking, I took a rest cewah poyo je padahal baru sekali naik turun tangga. Tak fit langsung 😩
I think it was pretty amazing how I could go on without giving up until the end. I, am the first person, first girl to reach the peak & I am the first girl to reach the bottom. I am absolutely happy and proud of myself, of course. That'll be one of my biggest achievement this year. The track was crazy, I tell you. The first 10 minutes track was exhausting. Tahap kecuraman yang memang tak boleh bawa bincang 🌄 Sepanjang hiking ni, laluan ke puncak bukan naik je tapi ada ups and downs jugak sebab tu letih tahap dewa. Part batu tajam paling menarik lah kut aku rasa sebab challenging dia lain macam. Fefeeling rock climbing. Best sebab ada guna tali etc walaupun bahaya ada risiko kecederaan tinggi tapi best, serious cakap. Kalau terduduk kat batu tajam tu mungkin boleh bocor bontot huhu. Tak suka masa naik sebab mengah gila gila. Erti kata lain, aku pancit. Turun ke bawah tu susah juga tapi better lah kut, my opinion.
Along the way up to the peak and to the bottom, aku sentiasa dengan Irfan, a pharmacy junior. Dia laju, aku laju. Dia slow, aku slow. Dia stop, aku stop. Memang dia banyak jaga & tolong aku lah sepanjang hiking ni together with the hiking guide baju hitam yang dari awal sampai akhir dengan kitorang dua & yang kagum dengan aku (ee poyonya budak 20 tahun ni rasa nak muntah hijau je). Selain Irfan, team sampai awal termasuk Furqon, Aisyah, Nuel, Mahfuz and Madam Dini. Perjalanan aku naik ke puncak ambil masa 2 jam 15 minit (kira pro lah ni 😛) sama juga dengan balik, ambil masa yang lebih kurang sama. The scenery kat atas tu subhanAllah so magnificient! Cantik hehe rasa segala kepenatan & mengah tu hilang sekejap. Lama juga kitorang duduk rehat kat puncak, around 1 hour jugalah sementara tunggu beberapa orang dari team lain sampai. Iyalah engko hahaha takkan lah punya lama nak sampai puncak tetiba nak duduk atas bukit tu 10 minit je (?!) Memang idok lah jawabnya 😯 Masa turun bawah tu susah sebab licin, Aisyah asyik slide jelah kat tanah hahaha macam main gelongsor pun ada aku tengok. Disebabkan nak sampai awal, kitorang jalan sepantas kilat cewah haha tapi sebab kaki Nuel cramp, Madam still kat belakang yang kitorang tak nampak, guider tu suruh aku and Irfan jalan dulu. Jalan punya jalan, panjat punya panjat, slide punya slide, merangkak punya merangkak fuh akhirnya sampai juga kat kaki bukit. Rasa nak sujud syukur je tahu tak. Masa turun kat track curam yang penuh dedaun tu hujan dah start turun renyai-renyai. Risau juga aku dengan yang lain. Kalau tak hujan pun trek licin, apatah lagi bila dah hujan. Hurm aku mampu berdoa dari bawah jelah. Again, tahap haus aku & Irfan dah macam orang gila. Nasib lah Irfan dengan baiknya, minta air sikit kat hikers yang dah nak balik. Dia pun share lah dengan aku :") Dari perjalanan naik ke puncak & turun ke kaki bukit, banyak benda yang aku belajar.
1) Never underestimate yourself. I, am much stronger than what I think. Although aku asyik fikir aku tak mampu, but I did it. Bukan orang paling, last tapi orang first sampai puncak & turun tau ha maju lu sini ~
2) Jangan putus asa. Slowly but surely. On the way nak ke puncak tu aku dah rasa nak give up sebab kaki macam nak tercabut tapi aku jalan juga walaupun pace aku slow huhu nasib tak kena tinggal dengan Irfan & guider 😢 tapi akhirnya sampai juga kat puncak paling atas uhuuu rasa sebak bila ingat balik. I tried to relate pendakian dengan kehidupan yang aku tengah lalui, and aku tak boleh nak putus asa sekarang sebab kejayaan tu pasti muncul & datang at the end of my
3) Help others & share with them. Sepanjang pendakian memang kena rely on others. Orang tolong aku, aku tolong orang & orang tu tolong orang lain. Pendakian yang susah jadi senang (sikit lah) bila dapat bantuan dari orang lain. Sharing is caring. Totally true. Air yang kami bawa serious tak cukup, jadi saling kongsi apa yang ada. Lelaki ke perempuan ke bantai je ha bukan najis pun share air. Darurat. Separuh mati dah kat atas tu. Haha. Tapi tulah, bila aku share air dengan orang lain, bila orang tu dapat air atau ada air, dia confirm kongsi dengan aku balik. There's saying "what you give, you get back" ha betul lah tu 😊
Lagi satu, aku nampak susah payah Khairi, Pahdeng, Zharif tolong Tasha & Raihana untuk sampai puncak. Diorang setia tunggu walaupun kaki Raihana cramp, tapi diorang still tak tinggal kan dia huhu 😭 Srs aku rasa menyesal dan serba salah sebab tinggalkan Nuel masa kaki dia cramp hmm sorry twinzie 🙇
4) Jadi prihatin & peka dengan keadaan sekeliling. Masa dalam bus around 11 pm tu, aku perasan kaki Pahdeng still berdarah disebabkan pacat petang tadi tuh jadi secara senyap, aku capai first aid dalam backpack and keluarkan plaster. Terus aku hulur kat dia yang duduk jarak sedepa daripada aku haha. Dia dengan buat muka comel, gelak gelak cakap "hehe darah tak berhenti lagi, thank you Aida" 🎆
5) Pain is temporary, victory is forever. Kalau diikutkan rasa sakit & penat masa hiking hurm sampai kesudah tak sampai puncak gamaknya. Mungkin aku akan patah balik sebab dah tak larat nak daki. Tapi bila difikirkan, sakit tuh sekejap aje kan haha 2 3 hari lepastu hilang lah. Tapi kalau berjaya sampai puncak & tengok pemandangan cantik dari atas, confirm tak akan lupa perasaan happy & bangga tu sampai bila-bila. Jadi, no matter how much you tired and feel like giving up, take a rest for awhile and then continues #notetoself
6) Jangan tinggal solat. Plan awalnya kami nak solat jamak qasar takdim lepas turun kat kaki bukit around 4 pm tapi heh masatu takde siapa lagi yang jejak kaki kat bawah haha tunggu semua sampai pun dah 6.50 pm macamtu dah kira lewat sangat. Air pula takde sebab dah minum. Nak pergi cari sungai jauh. Jadi guna lah debu tanah untuk tayamum and solat dengan apa yang ada. For the first time aku solat guna tayamum huhu tapi ok lah ada pengalaman at least. Smth that I'll remember always hehe
Kitorang bergerak dari Bertam pukul 5.15 pagi, sampai kat Perlis around 8 am smth & terpaksa berjalan dari Gua Kelam ke kaki Bukit Pelarit and sampai kat sana nak dekat pukul 10 am 🌞 My legs were burning already meh masa kena jalan ke Bukit Pelarit tuh serious jauh gila omg
Memories to cherish for a lifetime hehe thank you 💛 congratz and thanks kp, pkp, madam Dini, Mahfuz and everyone walaupun ada yang cramp, injured, mental koyak, kena gigit pacat, penat, lapar dan tahap haus yang takleh bawak bincang tapi berjaya akhirnya sampai ke puncak & turun balik dengan jayanya 🚩 to many more hills and mountains to climb 🐥
Ps:/ thanks dba sanggup bangun awal pagi semata-mata nak sent off kitorang hehe :')
Earthing & Grounding: A Nature's Prescription For Stress Free Mind at Bukit Pelarit checked ✅
I can't feel my whole body anymore. All my limbs are sore & for a second, I wish I could take them off from me.
After one long semester of hiking rest, I'm finally back yezza 💛 I was nervous and scared I wasn't fit enough to hike as I didn't do much exercise & didn't jog for a year kut maigod teruks HAHAHAHA pemalas 😂 but I climbed up and down kolej stairs for 20 minutes (on Thursday night) & I swear I was literally dying and kept thinking if I should really go to Bukit Pelarit, Perlis. Tapi sekali tu jelah sebab kaki aku sumpah sakit gila jadi a day before hiking, I took a rest cewah poyo je padahal baru sekali naik turun tangga. Tak fit langsung 😩
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muka baru bangun tido 😪 |
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Tasha, Keri & Pahdeng |
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Gua Kelam, Perlis |
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team sampai awal hehe |
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Syahnaz |
Along the way up to the peak and to the bottom, aku sentiasa dengan Irfan, a pharmacy junior. Dia laju, aku laju. Dia slow, aku slow. Dia stop, aku stop. Memang dia banyak jaga & tolong aku lah sepanjang hiking ni together with the hiking guide baju hitam yang dari awal sampai akhir dengan kitorang dua & yang kagum dengan aku (ee poyonya budak 20 tahun ni rasa nak muntah hijau je). Selain Irfan, team sampai awal termasuk Furqon, Aisyah, Nuel, Mahfuz and Madam Dini. Perjalanan aku naik ke puncak ambil masa 2 jam 15 minit (kira pro lah ni 😛) sama juga dengan balik, ambil masa yang lebih kurang sama. The scenery kat atas tu subhanAllah so magnificient! Cantik hehe rasa segala kepenatan & mengah tu hilang sekejap. Lama juga kitorang duduk rehat kat puncak, around 1 hour jugalah sementara tunggu beberapa orang dari team lain sampai. Iyalah engko hahaha takkan lah punya lama nak sampai puncak tetiba nak duduk atas bukit tu 10 minit je (?!) Memang idok lah jawabnya 😯 Masa turun bawah tu susah sebab licin, Aisyah asyik slide jelah kat tanah hahaha macam main gelongsor pun ada aku tengok. Disebabkan nak sampai awal, kitorang jalan sepantas kilat cewah haha tapi sebab kaki Nuel cramp, Madam still kat belakang yang kitorang tak nampak, guider tu suruh aku and Irfan jalan dulu. Jalan punya jalan, panjat punya panjat, slide punya slide, merangkak punya merangkak fuh akhirnya sampai juga kat kaki bukit. Rasa nak sujud syukur je tahu tak. Masa turun kat track curam yang penuh dedaun tu hujan dah start turun renyai-renyai. Risau juga aku dengan yang lain. Kalau tak hujan pun trek licin, apatah lagi bila dah hujan. Hurm aku mampu berdoa dari bawah jelah. Again, tahap haus aku & Irfan dah macam orang gila. Nasib lah Irfan dengan baiknya, minta air sikit kat hikers yang dah nak balik. Dia pun share lah dengan aku :") Dari perjalanan naik ke puncak & turun ke kaki bukit, banyak benda yang aku belajar.
1) Never underestimate yourself. I, am much stronger than what I think. Although aku asyik fikir aku tak mampu, but I did it. Bukan orang paling, last tapi orang first sampai puncak & turun tau ha maju lu sini ~
2) Jangan putus asa. Slowly but surely. On the way nak ke puncak tu aku dah rasa nak give up sebab kaki macam nak tercabut tapi aku jalan juga walaupun pace aku slow huhu nasib tak kena tinggal dengan Irfan & guider 😢 tapi akhirnya sampai juga kat puncak paling atas uhuuu rasa sebak bila ingat balik. I tried to relate pendakian dengan kehidupan yang aku tengah lalui, and aku tak boleh nak putus asa sekarang sebab kejayaan tu pasti muncul & datang at the end of my
3) Help others & share with them. Sepanjang pendakian memang kena rely on others. Orang tolong aku, aku tolong orang & orang tu tolong orang lain. Pendakian yang susah jadi senang (sikit lah) bila dapat bantuan dari orang lain. Sharing is caring. Totally true. Air yang kami bawa serious tak cukup, jadi saling kongsi apa yang ada. Lelaki ke perempuan ke bantai je ha bukan najis pun share air. Darurat. Separuh mati dah kat atas tu. Haha. Tapi tulah, bila aku share air dengan orang lain, bila orang tu dapat air atau ada air, dia confirm kongsi dengan aku balik. There's saying "what you give, you get back" ha betul lah tu 😊
Lagi satu, aku nampak susah payah Khairi, Pahdeng, Zharif tolong Tasha & Raihana untuk sampai puncak. Diorang setia tunggu walaupun kaki Raihana cramp, tapi diorang still tak tinggal kan dia huhu 😭 Srs aku rasa menyesal dan serba salah sebab tinggalkan Nuel masa kaki dia cramp hmm sorry twinzie 🙇
4) Jadi prihatin & peka dengan keadaan sekeliling. Masa dalam bus around 11 pm tu, aku perasan kaki Pahdeng still berdarah disebabkan pacat petang tadi tuh jadi secara senyap, aku capai first aid dalam backpack and keluarkan plaster. Terus aku hulur kat dia yang duduk jarak sedepa daripada aku haha. Dia dengan buat muka comel, gelak gelak cakap "hehe darah tak berhenti lagi, thank you Aida" 🎆
5) Pain is temporary, victory is forever. Kalau diikutkan rasa sakit & penat masa hiking hurm sampai kesudah tak sampai puncak gamaknya. Mungkin aku akan patah balik sebab dah tak larat nak daki. Tapi bila difikirkan, sakit tuh sekejap aje kan haha 2 3 hari lepastu hilang lah. Tapi kalau berjaya sampai puncak & tengok pemandangan cantik dari atas, confirm tak akan lupa perasaan happy & bangga tu sampai bila-bila. Jadi, no matter how much you tired and feel like giving up, take a rest for awhile and then continues #notetoself
6) Jangan tinggal solat. Plan awalnya kami nak solat jamak qasar takdim lepas turun kat kaki bukit around 4 pm tapi heh masatu takde siapa lagi yang jejak kaki kat bawah haha tunggu semua sampai pun dah 6.50 pm macamtu dah kira lewat sangat. Air pula takde sebab dah minum. Nak pergi cari sungai jauh. Jadi guna lah debu tanah untuk tayamum and solat dengan apa yang ada. For the first time aku solat guna tayamum huhu tapi ok lah ada pengalaman at least. Smth that I'll remember always hehe
Kitorang bergerak dari Bertam pukul 5.15 pagi, sampai kat Perlis around 8 am smth & terpaksa berjalan dari Gua Kelam ke kaki Bukit Pelarit and sampai kat sana nak dekat pukul 10 am 🌞 My legs were burning already meh masa kena jalan ke Bukit Pelarit tuh serious jauh gila omg
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gegurlz 💜 |
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twinzies |
Memories to cherish for a lifetime hehe thank you 💛 congratz and thanks kp, pkp, madam Dini, Mahfuz and everyone walaupun ada yang cramp, injured, mental koyak, kena gigit pacat, penat, lapar dan tahap haus yang takleh bawak bincang tapi berjaya akhirnya sampai ke puncak & turun balik dengan jayanya 🚩 to many more hills and mountains to climb 🐥
Ps:/ thanks dba sanggup bangun awal pagi semata-mata nak sent off kitorang hehe :')
Friday, 13 April 2018
turning 20s
As I grow older I realize there's nothing fancy about birthday. It's just a day where I added 1 year to my current age. I wished for friends to celebrate mine when I was 19 years old. However, this year's different. My one and only birthday wish is to lay on bed all day long, listen to music and scroll through instagram. Checked ✅
These days, I keep on waiting for weekends so that I can sleep much longer than usual. I keep on being emotional over little things (but hey, I feel those little things are real concerns duh). I, sometimes, feel hopeless.
I miss the good old days I had in primary school with my best friends. Those days when we trained so hard to win for competitions, the times when cikgu Hazly and Azmi gave us bananas to eat before going to stadium, and those nights when I climbed over school gate setiap kali rehat masa tuition just to go home. I still haven't get a chance to meet my besties and it has been 2 years since the last time we gathered. I also kinda miss my secondary school fuh macam tak percaya je aku cakap benda ni tapi tulah mungkin faktor usia HAHAHAHA what I missed a lot are how close my form 1 classmates were despite different races we had in class, how amazing my form 2 friends were ( shed tears :") ), kawad kaki rumah ungu "Tun Abdullah Pasti Gegar!!!", those great but tiring days with kawad bomba geng and form 5 deskmates uhuuu how times flies so fast ❤ After spm ended, I spent 5 months working somewhere in Kajang & I missed those moments a bit; friends that I had back then, my first experience ever trying to make my own mcd ice cream and also how my employers treated me nicely.
I am thankful to Allah for the memories I had until now. Moga ingatan aku kuat :(
Thank you Mama & Abah & Adik sebab wish hehehe thank you sebab lahirkan, jaga and sayang yong & spend lots of money on me. Couldn't be here until today without your love and supports! Sayang dunia akhirat muah xoxo 💞 Thanks a lot my housemates for my 20th birthday suprise fuh korang punya suprise serious tak expect langsung huhu sampai nanges teruk tau 😭 Thank you for the cute crown (terasa macam princess kejap), brownies & foodies hehehe 💛 Thankiezzz dear Sophys fam for the wishes that were given through whatsapp group or personal, I do appreciate and lovin' it a lot haha paling takkan lupa long birthday wish from yat, her present and pizza slice & birthday song from the boys; nuel, furqon, arif aiman, muzani, keri, pahdeng <3 kinder joy from roommate sejati & a container of ice cream from my twin, Nuel & classmate Naquib (walaupun aku still rasa korang perli tapi ha takpelah tak kisah) Hm tak kisah lah jadi akak aiskrim pun at least ada juga something big impact yang aku tinggalkan kat bertam ni hiks 💖 thank you #zoukjahbuddies walaupun tak celebrate this year but sokayyyyyy i don't mind pun sebab iolls dah besar 😛 kepada that person yang bagi harapan & morning wishes for several days and made me happy for awhile walaupun lepastu nanges terokz macam orang gila ha thank you lah walaupun after ni srs aku tak rasa aku akan suka kau (padan muka) and to all my friends tak kisah lah kat skla ke, jess or kawan dari mana-mana tempat pun, thanks a lot for the warm wishes and beautiful doas. May Allah bless you gais too! 😘
Alhamdulillah, already 20 years old on 8th April heheee moga makin matang, makin cantik, makin rajin pergi usrah, makin baik, makin pandai, makin kuat & tabah, makin sabar & tak kuat marah, moga tak kuat online shopping, makin kurus, makin tak easily feel attach to people, jadi anak yang solehah, jadi orang yang berguna untuk Islam, jadi manusia yang open-minded & pemurah, jadi kawan yang sporting tak control ayu (:p) & moga lebih kuat untuk menolak segala keinginan nafsu untuk ada boyfriend dan sebagainya (bercinta lepas kahwin jelah hahahaha takpun bercinta dengan abe kpop mueheh 👻 moga Nurul Aida dapat kumpul duit for the future; house, car, travel & continue degree ✌
As I grow older I realize there's nothing fancy about birthday. It's just a day where I added 1 year to my current age. I wished for friends to celebrate mine when I was 19 years old. However, this year's different. My one and only birthday wish is to lay on bed all day long, listen to music and scroll through instagram. Checked ✅
These days, I keep on waiting for weekends so that I can sleep much longer than usual. I keep on being emotional over little things (but hey, I feel those little things are real concerns duh). I, sometimes, feel hopeless.
I miss the good old days I had in primary school with my best friends. Those days when we trained so hard to win for competitions, the times when cikgu Hazly and Azmi gave us bananas to eat before going to stadium, and those nights when I climbed over school gate setiap kali rehat masa tuition just to go home. I still haven't get a chance to meet my besties and it has been 2 years since the last time we gathered. I also kinda miss my secondary school fuh macam tak percaya je aku cakap benda ni tapi tulah mungkin faktor usia HAHAHAHA what I missed a lot are how close my form 1 classmates were despite different races we had in class, how amazing my form 2 friends were ( shed tears :") ), kawad kaki rumah ungu "Tun Abdullah Pasti Gegar!!!", those great but tiring days with kawad bomba geng and form 5 deskmates uhuuu how times flies so fast ❤ After spm ended, I spent 5 months working somewhere in Kajang & I missed those moments a bit; friends that I had back then, my first experience ever trying to make my own mcd ice cream and also how my employers treated me nicely.
I am thankful to Allah for the memories I had until now. Moga ingatan aku kuat :(
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thanks Sarah!!! |
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thank you Hayati <3 |
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Masheh Nuel & Naquib 💛 |
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Birthday song dari group Sophys memang takleh lupa 😊 |
Sunday, 8 April 2018
feeling guilty
7:35 pm
If you ask me how I spent my birthday, I spent it well laying on bed and crying all day long. I haven't even had a single meal yet.
It has been awhile I received good morning wishes & some simple daily questions. I found it hard to reply. I didn't know what should I typed. I have no idea. I even asked a friend about this. He's a senior of mine, a guy I used to had a crush on when I was in semester 2, a person my bestie close with & she has a crush on him. She knew he messaged me because he told her. She asked me to reply, and I did. I kept on saying to her that I think I should stop because (1) she likes him (2) from what I heard, he has a girlfriend although I am not sure how their relationship are & his current status but she said layan kan jelah. Again, I did.
But, 2 days after, she warned me to not have a crush on him. Well, she said nicely lah duh & sometimes, she laughs. I know deep inside, she's hurt. She's serious.
I was & am happy when he messaged, he gave me butterflies (weird me) and strangely, I kept waiting for his dms/messages. I should REALLY stop. If I don't, I might really really have a crush on this guy. I kept saving & deleting his phone number. Until now.
Last night, my friend (that I refer as "she") sent me a long birthday wish through whatsapp. She said :
Then, I said sorry :
I felt bad.
She wished me again on instastory :
</3 and few hours ago, I really wanted to reply to his dm. But, I didn't.
Friday, 6 April 2018
K-POP | my top songs in March 2018
Annyeong, this is my kpop songs section here.
1. Wanna One - I.P.U
Don't you think they look super adorable here in i.p.u music video? All looking so cute especially jihoon ha kan kan baik mengaku 😋
2. Wanna One - Boomerang
I was counting down each day for this mv to be released & got really excited when it did uhuu what would I do when they get disband :((
My bias wrecker "bae" jinyoung 💘 he's seriously getting better and better each comeback & he can be a main vocal someday, goodluck jinyoungi~ we're rooting for you!
3. Mamamoo - Starry Night
How can people say no to Mamamoo?! They've the best vocalists and rapper duh they are legend, seriously!!!!
4. Samuel - ONE
Put your hands up & scream for this boy comeback!!! He looks so manly duh wearing suit pastu dengan hairstyle macamtu 😍 I keep on replaying this song on youtube hoping for the views to increase. Rasa nak marah sebab his mv get so little views padahal vocal, dance, rap and all are just too good that no one could deny 😔
5. Roy Kim - Only Then
Boyfriend material betul lah oppa ni hahaha dah lah suara sedap, nyanyi macam nak dodoi aku tidur je 😚 keh keh
Boleh dikatakan aku ni new NCTzen cewah sebenarnya before ni memang tak minat pun, satu lagu pun aku tak pernah click kat youtube tapi kat ig selalu juga keluar pasal diorang ni ha aku pun tak faham kenapa popular sangat tah 🙄 Dah lah idk how things work between them, macam berapa banyak subunits entah then NCT ni group macam mana actually I still confuse huhu. Start dengar pun masa lagu NCT U - Boss sebab asyik international self taught kpop dancer buat cover 😛
7. J-hope - Daydream
It's a bop!!!!!
8. GOT7 - Look
Yayyyy comeback 🙆 Rasa macam dah lama gila diorang tak comeback rindu gak lah to be honest huhu
1. Wanna One - I.P.U
Don't you think they look super adorable here in i.p.u music video? All looking so cute especially jihoon ha kan kan baik mengaku 😋
2. Wanna One - Boomerang
I was counting down each day for this mv to be released & got really excited when it did uhuu what would I do when they get disband :((
My god, stop looking at me that way Daniel oppa!!! I couldn't breathe properly aish everytime you said 'Boomerang' my heart stops beating tahu tak eee tampor kang & my favourite part is when you say 'Oh my god' hehe
My bias wrecker "bae" jinyoung 💘 he's seriously getting better and better each comeback & he can be a main vocal someday, goodluck jinyoungi~ we're rooting for you!
3. Mamamoo - Starry Night
How can people say no to Mamamoo?! They've the best vocalists and rapper duh they are legend, seriously!!!!
4. Samuel - ONE
Put your hands up & scream for this boy comeback!!! He looks so manly duh wearing suit pastu dengan hairstyle macamtu 😍 I keep on replaying this song on youtube hoping for the views to increase. Rasa nak marah sebab his mv get so little views padahal vocal, dance, rap and all are just too good that no one could deny 😔
5. Roy Kim - Only Then
Boyfriend material betul lah oppa ni hahaha dah lah suara sedap, nyanyi macam nak dodoi aku tidur je 😚 keh keh
Boleh dikatakan aku ni new NCTzen cewah sebenarnya before ni memang tak minat pun, satu lagu pun aku tak pernah click kat youtube tapi kat ig selalu juga keluar pasal diorang ni ha aku pun tak faham kenapa popular sangat tah 🙄 Dah lah idk how things work between them, macam berapa banyak subunits entah then NCT ni group macam mana actually I still confuse huhu. Start dengar pun masa lagu NCT U - Boss sebab asyik international self taught kpop dancer buat cover 😛
7. J-hope - Daydream
It's a bop!!!!!
8. GOT7 - Look
Yayyyy comeback 🙆 Rasa macam dah lama gila diorang tak comeback rindu gak lah to be honest huhu
Lagu ni takde mv pun just audio je tapi still da bomb weh 😎 Siapa je boleh lawan Bigbang the king of kpop cewah hahaha nak tunggu semua orang keluar military tu memang lama lah tapi sokayyyy I'll wait for you oppa-deul 💓
New fan here!!!!! 😋 Start discover diorang masa terjumpa video yg trainees in stray kids show then last month lah if I'm not mistaken start minat diorang sebab dengar lagu Hellevator hihi sumpah gempak doooo patutlah winner 🏆 Paling minat woojin sebab suara dia sedappppppp although aku bukan stan diorang since predebut but who cares duh 🙄 lagipun birthday kita sama hek hek mungkin jodoh 😛 In this mv, aku boleh jadi gila dengar rap diorang perh padu 👍👍
Ps:/ just click at the song title & you'll be direct to youtube yayy enjoy!
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