It's 13th October, readers and I am home 😄 Couldn't describe how happy I am to be with my dear family that I've been longing for 5 weeks.
Oh yes, this is my first time going home together with Diba and Yat, my dearest exco SOPHYS so, we were excited and so loud in the train 😂
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Muka tak pernah senonoh dengan mulut penuh |
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You can see Apiz at the back HAHA |
Thursday last week, after CTU class ended at 12 noon, all SOPHYS excos entered DK1 to meet with the juniors. We introduced ourselves to them, officially. Malu gila sumpah. Dah lah aku malu nak cakap tau so, haih nak cakap satu problem, pakai mic lagi satu problem.
Last Friday, I went to AIDS and HIV talk at DK2 around 10 am. This talk mesti ada every semester HAHAHA tapi okay lah dapat knowledge and kupon aktiviti 😋 My mentee sat behind me and I could hear the boys were mentioning me. After the talk, Becca and I accompanied Madam Dini to her Probiotic talk in Petronas Fertilisers at Gurun, Kedah. Such a great experience! I learnt how to make kombucha tea and sauerkraut, Alhamdulillah. I forgot to bring my IC and student card duh, jadi warga asing sekejap 😔
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Probiotic talk by Madam Wan Nordini Hasnor Binti Wan Ismail |
On Monday, I had my second Microbiology lab session done. Just doing some work with the rotten bread, milk, banana and lemon. I had fun though, because I always love practical session than theory. Because theory always make me yawn 😪 That night, Eyan and her team finally launced their first program; Al-Zahrawi Hour, Speak Fluently and Pengenalan Sahsiah Rupa Diri (SRD) that will go on throughout the semester. Everyone screamed and cheered Aurora d'Laila when Eyan holded the microphone. Can you see how popular Aurora is in Bertam? I thought we were asked to wear baju kurung for the program, but actually nope, everyone wear something comfortable like pants and shirts. I was there with my green baju kurung and yolk-coloured square scarf. Tarik perhatian betul.
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Fire drill 🚒 |
Wednesday update, haha banyaknya 😂 Lab started at 8 am until 11 am, 3 hours as always. I am always excited when it comes any Liquid, Semi Solid or Solid Dosage Forms labs. Rasa macam tetiba tukar profession to chef HAHAHAHA aku dari dulu selalu berangan nak jadi chef walaupun tak pandai manapun masak pastu kekadang sediakan semua bahan dalam mangkuk kecil ala-ala dalam cooking show tu lepas tu berangan lah sorang-sorang kononnya ada audiences tengok 😂 For the second prescription yang kena guna water bath, I was the first one yang gel tu menjadi although I started late compared to the others. Second prescription tu was Starch Glycerite that is used to treat eczema. Well, it's all nasib je kan. If jadi, jadi lah, but if not, repeat yang baru. Huhu 😔 The third prescription which was given on the spot was quite difficult sebab bila campurkan mixed benzocaine and carpobol 940 powder to the glycerin, texture dia tak cantik sangat. Itu satu hal. Lagi satu, mitte 20g tau so, kitorang semua buat lah 30g excess 10g tapi still bila dah siap tu, tak cukup tahu tak 😑 Dapat 11g je aiyo so kena buat lah sekali lah untuk cukupkan 20g of the gel. During ELC class, we watched Incarnate for movie review hehehehe nasib baik lah aku dah pernah tengok dengan Sarah so, tak ada lah seram pun. Kalau tak, confirm aku dah jerit kuat gila HAHAHAHA Mekti siap warning aku suruh behave kot before start movie 😂
Today, I sat next to Diba and behind Yat in the train. Nora, my roommate was in couch A which is so far from mine.
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I video call-ed with Eyan in the train hehehe we talked for about hmmm 15 minutes?! We talked about her mentee and mine, and other stuffs |
Two weeks ago, Nora, Mekti, Asip, Haziq and I sent Sarah to the airport. The boys sat infront while the girls sat at the back. Sarah punya flight supposed to take off at 10.20 pm but the flight was delayed to 11.45 pm. Takkan lah kitorang nak tinggalkan dia alone sebab airport tu memang sunyi malam tu. Kitorang pun stay sampai pukul 11.20 pm which is past our curfew. Hmm sampai kat kolej pukul 12.30 pm and at first PB tak bagi masuk. Tapi after bagitahu dia apa yang jadi, he allowed us to go in tapi tak boleh buat lagi. Weh sumpah aku takut gila!!! Dah lah tak pernah keluar sekali dengan lelaki lepastu balik lambat pulak tu tetiba rasa macam wild doh 😭 Although sebenarnya bukan pergi lepak ke apa, just hantar Sarah balik huhu
Additional photo 😝
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Perangai lah semua |